Improving Application Data

Improving Application Data

Partially Valid/Invalid Application Data

PDM is constantly analyzing your product data for potential improvements. You can easily identify and fix the application data updates with the help of the color-coding feature.

   Green indicates that the selection is valid.
 I Orange indicates that the data needs improving.
   Red indicates that this application is not valid.

When adding a new application for a product, PDM will color-code available Subconfigurations (i.e., sub-models) based on selected MakeModel, and Year / Year range. This is used to quickly indicate if a sub-model is valid for allsome, or none of the selected Year/Year range

Invalid subconfigurations WILL NOT be exported in an ACES XML file, but they WILL be exported to Excel to do bulk editing and reimport.

Fix the Partially Valid/Invalid Application Data:
  1. Select the required Brand and choose the All Products submenu.
  2. Select Application in the left submenu and select the required product from the catalog list.
  3. Switch between Tile or List view based on your convenience.
  4. Choose the required Validation type in the List view and select the Invalid Application Only option from the next dropdown.
  5. Click on the Edit icon to edit the Invalid application data. Hover over the exclamation mark next to the Edit button for more validation alert information.

      6. Select Engine; now invalid engine values are displayed in red. Deselect the red values one by one until the combination re-color-codes itself to green from red.

      7. Valid recommendations/combinations are color-coded in green.

      8. Select the values according to the recommendations to fix the application data and click on Save.

      9. Press the refresh button in your browser or press F5 to refresh the page and see the updates in the validation report.

Recommendations for fixing the data will not be shown for the Product unless and until you deselect the invalid values.

You can also fix your product data updates through Quick Fixes and All Application.

Only Valid Sub-configs

You can choose to only display valid subconfigs when adding or editing applications.

Invalid Subconfiguration Alert

Activate the Invalid Subconfiguration alert in the Scorecards sub-menu to quickly find which application's subconfigurations are invalid and improve it.

Related Articles:
  1. Application Segment Overview
  2. Application Segment - Add new Application
  3. Application Segment - Display options
  4. Application Segment - Default Values
  5. Inherit Link Application Data
  6. Non-VCdb Applications (Grey market)

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