Custom Vehicle Table: Adding a New Custom Vehicle Table

Custom Vehicle Table: Adding a New Custom Vehicle Table

Adding a New Custom Vehicle Table

Adding a new custom vehicle table through Application segment:
  1. Select a Brand and click All Products
  2. Select the Application segment and select a product from the catalog
  3. Click on the Add New Application button
      4. A new window pops up. Click on Edit VCDB button
      5. Edit VCDB window Pops up. Choose the existing Autocare VCdb or Custom vehicle table from the list to edit the vehicle table
      6. Click on the (+) button to add a new custom vehicle table
      7. Enter a custom vehicle table name and click Save
8. To delete a custom vehicle table, select it from the dropdown and click the trashcan icon.

Related Articles:
  1.  Custom Vehicle Table: Overview
  2. Custom Vehicle Table: Adding New Sub Configurations and Assigning to Vehicles
  3. Custom Vehicle Table: Importing/Exporting

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