Validations on Excel/XML Qualifiers Import

Validations on Excel/XML Qualifiers Import

Qualifiers Import Validations

When you import or re-import Qualifiers into PDM, it's important to know that they should meet certain conditions in order to get successfully imported. PDM provides validations for these imports that will help you enhance your data.

To access the Qualifiers Import Validations:

Open the Excel file. In the Qualifier Values column, values must match the Qualifier parameter criteria. For instance, you can see in the image below that the Qualifier Values are set to be two, separated by a pipe.

The parameter criteria state p1 & p2, meaning that two values must exist for the Qualifier to be valid. Let's change these two values for just one.

 Save the file and Import. When importing, select only Applications segment.

When the import is done, go to the Import Reports tab and click on the Errors icon in the Status column.

 It will give you the Error details showing you the row number where it is located, and an explanation that will help you fix the error and re-import.

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