Import/Export Parent/Child Application Data

Import/Export Parent/Child Application Data

Import/Export Parent/Child Application Data

This article will focus on importing and exporting parent-child relationships in application data. For information on creating inheritance relationships for applications between products, see Inherit/Link application data.
The parent/child inheritance relationship(s) are managed within the child Part Number. This applies to the user interface, import, and export processes.

Exporting Inherited Application Data

To see inherited application data:
  1. Click on a Brand and select All Products.
  2. Select a Child product and click in the Application segment.
  3. Here the Part Number of the parent product is shown.
  4. The inherited fitments are displayed below in a grid.

      5. To export Application data, select Export > Excel (Full) from the Actions drop-down menu.

      6. To only export Applications, deselect All Segments ( Click twice in the All Segments checkbox ) and select Applications.
      7. Select a year range option and then click Export.

Here are the first few columns of the exported Application data Excel sheet. All the part numbers are the same since we only exported one part and we see every fitment data group by Year Range.

The inheritance data is stored in the ParentPartNumber and ParentBrand columns, which you may need to scroll to the right to see them in the Excel sheet. Notice the columns are only populated for the fitments that have been inherited.

Importing Inherited Application Data

You can add a new parent to your product by duplicating the ParentPartNumber and ParentBrand columns into a new row and then adding a new ParentPartNumber and ParentBrand ( if necessary ) to that same row or as many as you want:

You can save the appended application data Excel sheet and import it using the Excel Import/Export tool.

To Import the Inherited Application data:

      1. Click Import/Export and select Import from the sub-menu.
      2. Select Excel (Full) Format.
      3. Click Select all twice to deselect all the segments, and then select Applications.
      4. Click to import the file from the computer or drag and drop the file into the box.

      5. Go back to the Application segment in All Products to see the newly imported parent-child relationship. Here the fitment inherited from the parent that was added manually in excel is shown.

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