Import/Export Bundle Data
Import/Export Bundle Data
You can
Import and
Export data from the
Bundle Feature right from the catalog.
Export the Bundle Data
- Click on a Brand and select All Products.
- Select the Application segment and select a parent product from the catalog.
- Child relationships are displayed in tabular form.
4. In the Actions dropdown menu at the top, choose Export and select Excel (Full) from the inline menu. The Export - Excel (Full) window will appear.
5. To export only Bundle data, deselect All Segments and select App Inheriting.
6. Click Export to download the excel sheet.
7. Open
the exported excel sheet to view the bundle data
The AppID column in the Bundle Data Excel export will display the internal database number for the application ID assignment, not the simplified (ID: 1, 2, etc.) assignment displayed in the Application Segment. Child products that inherit "All IDs" will have no values in this column.
Ref and Order fields in the Application Segment are mapped to the AssetItemRef and AssetItemOrder columns, respectively.
Import the Bundle Data
To add child products to a parent product through an Import:
- Add a new
record to the exported excel, provide the Part Number, Brand, Child Part Number, and Child Brand details, etc. Save
the appended bundle data excel sheet
2. In PDM, select the Import/Export tab in the main menu.
3. Select
the Import submenu.
4. Select Excel (Full) format and App Inheriting segment.
5. Click on
the Upload Excel icon and upload the file.
6. Go to the Application segment in All Products and select the parent product to view the newly added child product(s).
Related Articles:
- Bundle Feature
- Inherit/link application data
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