Part Type Recommendations

Part Type Recommendations

Part Type Recommendations

Get recommendations for the best Part Type for your product data. Onboarding made easy and keeping your data up to date!

PDM offers you a recommendation engine to suggest the best matching Part Type for your products. Assigning the Part Type is the first step when adding new products to your ACES&PIES catalog or starting an ACES&PIES project in general. The PDM recommendation engine significantly reduces your workload identifying the best matching part type and keeping it up to date when the PCdb changes.

Accessing the Quick Fixes

  1. Select a Brand and click Quick Fixes.
  2. Under the Quick Fixes tab, select Part Type.

Using the Quick Fixes Part Type Recommendation Engine

  1. Click in Show Products; it will take you to the Catalog, where the products that need a Part Type to be added are displayed. You can see as well the amount of these products in the upper right corner.

      2. The recommendation is based on your product descriptions, and you can also import your own part types and have PDM suggest the best match for you. If you want to change the suggested Part Type, select a better match from the dropdown.
      3. Select all products by clicking in the first checkbox ( click again to deselect all) or select individual products.
      4. You can Confirm or Decline the selected products and display them in the Catalog by clicking Show Products.

The part type recommendation is driven by the description type "long." If you start your data from scratch, the "long" name would usually be a product name (80 character max.)

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