Overwrite/Delete Data with the Excel Import

Overwrite/Delete Data with the Excel Import

If you want to clean out larger portions of your data, Excel Import is an easy approach.

When you Export a full Excel file, it will contain all segments as you see them in your account:

The Excel Import handles every segment individually when importing. You may import Applications for products A, B, and C in the same file as the PartAttributes for products D, E, and F.

When importing, the data in your import file will overwrite the data in your account after comparing it from the Excel sheet to the database. Missing values in Excel are considered to be deleted. Following the same example, only the Applications of the products A, B, and C would be updated. For products D, E, and F, only the Attributes will be updated.

If you want to delete all applications of certain products, simply import those records, including just the Part Number and BrandID. Existing applications will be updated to "nothing".

Remember that all data points of the segment you are importing first get compared and updated/deleted. Example: If you want to change retail pricing, you have to export all prices (including WD, jobber, etc.), then change the retail price and reimport the retail price along with the WD and jobber prices). Importing only the retail price will be considered, and the other prices (WD, jobber, etc.) should get deleted.

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