Package Segment

Package Segment

Package Segment

It is important to provide information about the package size and weight. This segment is also where to specify packing levels of groups of the same product (for example, a single unit or a box of 12). For groupings of different products, see Kit Segment.

Accessing the Package Segment

  1. Select the required Brand and click All Products.
  2. Choose one or more products from the catalog.
  3. Click Package segment.

Package Segment Overview

  1. The default Unit should usually, be Each, and can be changed in Brand Settings>Default Values>Packages>Package UOM.
  2. Enable Show All Fields toggle button to view all the fields, and by default, the fields that are not used will be hidden.
  3. Plus “+” Sign allows you to expand the package type.
  4. The Delete button on the right of each package allows you to delete the package.
  5. Add New Package button creates new packages. For a product, you can add five types of packages. i.e. Each, Package, Pallet, Case, Box.
      6. Dimensions Weight is calculated automatically using Height, Width, Length, and Weight fields.
      7. Weight Variance is the potential variation in weight of a package expressed as a percentage (%).
      8. Stacking Factor is the number of these packages that may be safely stacked on top of each other.
      9. The Level GTIN is unique to a particular package. "Each" packages will use the product GTIN.
    10. Package segment allows you to ADD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS information if Applicable. Multiple value editing feature is not supported for HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.

Editing Values of Multiple Products

  1. Select one or more Products from the catalog.
  2. Edit the values in the required fields and click Save.
  3. Alternatively, you can click the Multiple Value icon on the right of each field to edit the values for selected products.
       4. If the selected products have different values for the same field, click on the Multiples Values to edit values. 

      5. Selected fields dialog box appears. In this case, the “Quantity of each” field is selected.
      6. Change the value of each product individually or enter a value and click Ok to overwrite all values.
      7. Click Save to apply the changes.


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