Automated Names in Catalog Listing

Automated Names in Catalog Listing

Automated Names in Catalog Listing

PDM can automatically generate product names based on segment information.

Automated Product Descriptions

  1. For a product with no segment information (i.e. a newly created), the automatic name will be "No Part type Selected" in gray italic font.
  2. Part Type information (or a list of part types for kits) will automatically be added to catalog name in normal black font.
  3. Any fitments will also be automatically added before the part type information in normal black font.

      4. For products with manually defined product names, the manual name will be displayed in normal black font, then the automatic name in gray italic font


Automatic names will contain Position information only if all position applications within a product are the same
[Fitment Data] [Part Type] [Position]

The maximum length for Fitment Data in an automatic description is 80 characters.
Fitment Data may be omitted entirely from the automatic name if there are too many.

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