API: Settings

API: Settings

API: Settings

  1. API Settings is located in the Distribution tab.
  2. Create new API token will generate a new API token and make all previous tokens invalid.
  3. The number of SKUs, as well as progress towards the 24-hour limit, are displayed here.
  4. Call details, including Status, Timestamp, Request Details, API Endpoint, and Product Count, are displayed in rows.

 You must publish your data first, in order to see the results in the API Settings.

      5. Select a brand and click on Publish Data.
      6. Select the Part Number you want to publish or choose between the different listed options.

Careful not to Create new API token unless you really need to. Generating a new token invalidates any previous tokens.

Related Articles:
  1. API: General Information
  2. API: Use Export Builder Plus (EBP) Profiles

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