Advanced Import Options

Advanced Import Options

Advanced Import Options

The Advanced Import Options tool offers you a variety of additional options to include in your imports. The Advanced Import Options work only in Excel imports.

Advanced Import Options is an add-on. If you are interested in this, please contact us at; we'll be happy to assist you.

Access the Advanced Import Options:

  1. Select the required Brand and click on Import/Export. The Import tab will open.
  2. Toggle the Show advanced import options switch.
  3. The Advanced Import Options will display.

Add an Update (Individual Records)

By selecting this option, you will be able to import new records, without replacing the ones you had imported before. It allows you to keep both and only update with new data. To activate this option, select Yes, and import the file.

Deactivate consolidation of application records

When importing applications, PDM consolidates the fitments, and, for instance, if you are working in an excel file where all application values are the same, but the years, once imported, PDM will group those applications into one, with a year range.

Deactivate consolidation of application records option allows you to see your application records organized in PDM, as you visualize them when working in the Excel file, by not grouping the fitments.

To activate this option, select Yes, and import the file.

Create new Item

Parts listed in other Segments than Items also get created.

When you import multiple segments to PDM, if there are items that do not yet exist in the file, the Item segment should be included for the PartNumbers to show in the tool.

The Create new Item option allows you to import new items that don't yet exist if they are within other segments in the file without having to import the Item segment.

To activate this option, select Yes, and import the file.

Validate Only (Don't update any Records)

When selecting this option, the import will run validation and point out issues in the file, but it will not update any data in PDM. This validation can be seen in the Import Reports.

To activate this option, select Yes, and import the file.

Based on custom vehicle table

This option allows you to select the Custom Vehicle Tables to import. (The Autocare tables are selected by default, if you do not select any custom vehicle tables). Make your selection and then Import the file.

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